Benvenuti nel blog JUMO! Qui potrete trovare le risposte alle vostre domande in merito alla misurazione di temperatura, pressione, livello di liquidi e umidità. Potrete inoltre scoprire i dispositivi più avanzati e come questi rispondono alle sfide dell'automazione moderna. Che siate alle prime armi con l'automazione o abbiate molti anni di esperienza nel settore, qui troverete i contenuti che fanno per voi. Leggete ora!
Come sono strutturati i sistemi di automazione? Scoprite di più sull'automazione industriale, compresa la programmazione e la visualizzazione. Scopritelo ora!
Why do measuring devices actually need to be calibrated? We answer the most important questions about calibration. Find out now!
Why DAkkS calibration? Learn more about the importance, advantages and areas of application of accredited calibration. Find out now!
Che cos'è IO-Link e quali sono i vantaggi che ne derivano? Rispondiamo alle vostre domande più importanti. Scopri di più!
What is Single Pair Ethernet and what advantages does it offer? We answer your most important questions, including the OSI model and data transmission rate. Find out more!
How is a resistance thermometer constructed? Here you can find out everything about RTDs – including design, function, connection and replacement. Info here!
What does a temperature probe for heat meters do? Find out more from JUMO – including installation, connection & replacement – Find out now!
What does a temperature switch do? Learn more at JUMO - including types, function & applications - Find out now!
Thermocouple: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
How do differential pressure sensors work? Learn more - including types, applications and information on long-term use. Find out now!
Which pressure sensor is the right one? Find out more about the different types of sensors, how they work and their design!
PID controllers are complex? Find out everything you need to know about PID controllers - from control parameters to optimization. Find out now!
Humidity Measurement: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
Controller: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
Scopri tutto su JUMO flowTRANS PW I01: FAQ, dati tecnici e schemi di collegamento per misure precise
Find out everything about the JUMO AQUIS 500 CR: FAQs, technical data and applications for conductivity measurement.
Discover the JUMO AQUIS 500 pH: FAQs, technical data and applications for precise pH value measurements.
Find out everything about the JUMO CTI-500: FAQs, technical data and applications for precise conductivity measurements.
Learn all about the JUMO dTRANS Lf 01: FAQs, data and applications for accurate conductivity measurements.
Find out everything about the JUMO dTRANS pH 01: FAQs, data and applications for precise pH measurements.
Find out everything about the JUMO dTRANS Rd 01: FAQs, data and applications for precise multi-channel measurement.
Find out everything about the JUMO dTRANS RW 01: FAQs, data and applications for precise water analysis.
Discover the JUMO cTRON: FAQs, data and applications for precise regulation and control.
Find out everything about JUMO DICON 400/401/500/501: FAQs, data and applications for precise regulation and control.
JUMO dTRON 16.1: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
Discover the JUMO dTRON 304/308/316: FAQs, technical data, and applications for precise control and regulation.
Find out everything about the JUMO IMAGO 500: FAQs, data and applications for precise regulation and control.
Evaluation Software PCA 3000: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
JUMO LOGOSCREEN 500 cf: ✓ Definition ✓ Function ✓ Setting ✓ Use - with free practical tips. Inform now!
Scoprite come leggere facilmente i dati di misura da JUMO Logoscreen 600, 601 e 700 via USB.
JUMO LOGOSCREEN nt: ✓ Definizione ✓ Funzione ✓ Impostazione ✓ Utilizzo - con consigli pratici gratuiti. Informatevi ora!